
The proud family movie
The proud family movie

the proud family movie the proud family movie

When 15 Cent drives her home, Oscar Proud, her overprotective father, gets mad when he finds them kissing. She and her friends are excited to be a part of 15 Cent's (Sticky's cousin and parody of 50 Cent) dance group, Spare Change. It then turns to Penny Proud, who is celebrating her 16th birthday, and fails her driver's ed. Carver trying to generate a super Gnome Warrior, but it disintegrates. Carver ultimately stops pretending and begins to try and torture the formula out of him.The film opens with a man named Dr.

the proud family movie

Rage-Breaking Point: After Oscar backs out of his deal to give him his multiplying formula, Dr.Carver carries shades of this, but the original host is evidently more mature. But when she learns that was never gonna be a kiss, she feels she will never get another chance. Now or Never Kiss: In the series finale/movie, Penny believes she was gonna get a kiss from 15 Cent and calls him out on it.McGuffin: Oscar’s multiplying formula that was in Penny’s necklace.Ironically, while he still thinks she's ugly, he starts hitting on the clone, who isn't interested. When Papi insults her, the clone tells him to shut up in Spanish. Carver clones Suga Mama with what is assumed to be a Spanish peanut and she learns to speak Spanish by tape.

the proud family movie

Later on, Penny uses his hot dog addiction to help convince him to perform a Heel≯ace Turn during the climax.

  • Instant Taste Addiction: When clone Oscar eats his first hot dog, he immediately becomes addicted to hot dogs and that's the only food he eats and he makes the other clones eat it too, including the real Penny who would later get sick of it.
  • But Trudy and Sugar Momma say nothing, despite being clever and outspoken For Oscar, that might be par for the course.
  • Idiot Ball: Throughout the entire film, none of the Prouds suspect that the Penny clone isn’t the real Penny at all until the latter actually shows up, even after they find out about their own clones.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Pausing at certain scenes with Wizard Kelly would show his entire face, something that the series would usually avoid to do.
  • Finale Movie: The Proud Family Movie serves as the conclusion to the original run of the show, though a revival series for Disney+ has continued the Prouds' story.
  • Carver (and the audience) is subject to Suga Mama removing her bathrobe. Carver also turns out to be this, as the real Carver would end up helping the Prouds in stopping him from taking over the world. Carver creates clones of the Proud family in order to try and find the formula while making sure the originals stay on the island. The extended ending even shows that Oscar has become more successful thanks to the G-Nomes and his Pork-Nut-O-Rade drink.which unfortunately upsizes Suga Mama into a fifty-foot giantess. Penny gets some independence, Oscar and Suga Mama gain respect for each other, and the Gross Sisters gain respect for Penny.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After over 50 episodes of bitter sweetness and depressing endings, all the characters got the happy ending that the show richly deserves.
  • A quick gag has Penny pulling off multiple layers of her usual outfit before finally getting to hers.
  • Dressed in Layers: At the denouement the girls pull off their civilian clothes to reveal stage outfits underneath.
  • Carver gets this by falling off the blimp and turning into a tiny peanut just moments away from hitting the water. Zoe comes out as the winner, gaining them the victory.
  • Dance-Off: Penny and her friends get into one of these with some of the peanut people.

  • The proud family movie